Making Rosaries So They Can Pray Rosaries

Making Rosaries So They Can Pray Rosaries

I’ve been making Rosaries for over 25 years but let it sort of slide to the wayside the last few years as other chores and some new projects took center stage. I realized a few weeks ago that I missed making them and the lists of missions in great need of them hadn’t gotten shorter over the year.

I used to make Rosaries for a local evangelist who would go out and about during the day and stopping to talk to anyone who seemed interested. He liked to have a Rosary on hand to give them so I got to fill a closer to home need, too.

The majority of Mission Rosaries are pretty basic. My evangelist friend said that we need a bit more than words to attract someone to the church at times so liked the fact that my art degree often came to play in my Rosary making. Some people told me there were too elaborate aka flashy. The people they were given to, however, loved having something special. Faith doesn’t have to be ‘plain’, after all!

Well, this week, I finally got off two packages of Rosaries to an elderly priest in India that I’ve kept in touch with over the years. I imagine he will probably be happily surprised to get more than a letter from me this time around.

Anyone interested in making Rosaries, this is the place to start. You can get supplies for reasonable prices along with instructions and lists of missions in need of Rosaries both in the United States and overseas. It’s great to pray a Rosary for someone but even better to share a Rosary with them.

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