Beautiful Pottery . . . If Mother Can Say So!

After years of making and designing pottery and sculptures, my daughter has finally taken the plunge and put some of her items up for viewing. Given the amount of cups, pots, and bowls I have at home, I imagine this on-line store will soon be quite impressive!

3 thoughts on “Beautiful Pottery . . . If Mother Can Say So!

  1. Oh my goodness Barbara! Your daughter is so talented! The apple didn’t fall far from the tree! Thank you for sharing!

    God bless, Brenda

    On Sat, Apr 2, 2016 at 2:16 PM, Crazy Quilts, Catholics & Cookies wrote:

    > bbarthelette1984 posted: “After years of making and designing pottery and > sculptures, my daughter has finally taken the plunge and put some of her > items up for viewing. Given the amount of cups, pots, and bowls I have at > home, I imagine this on-line store will soon be quite impres” >


    1. Thank you! She absolutely LOVE throwing pottery. She is also amazing at painting, drawing, and cartooning but doesn’t have the time to do them all the time or as much as she would like. She is also a writer and has three books in the works and is co-authoring another one. Just need a publisher now! I’m thinking about setting up an Etzy account but it won’t be nearly as impressive as the kid!


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