The Catholic Vote in 2016?


Judgement Day should be interesting. I’m sure we are all in for a few surprises! During the last eight years, thousands of babies were aborted with the help of our president’s pen. I can see Christ returning, flanked on either side with the baby souls that were not allowed a chance at life. And Catholics will stand there and bemoan the fact that someone like the president of the greatest country in the world, did absolutely nothing to protect life. Sad, isn’t it?

But, midst the mourning Catholics on that imagined Last Day, will be the ones who actually voted in the Culture of Death – not once but twice. Unless there was an epidemic of invincible ignorance, Catholics, at least fifty percent of them, reconfirmed their backing for the anti-life agenda with their vote. As Catholics, we represented more than one vote and more than one chance to possibly save unborn lives and only half of us took it seriously. The tears our Blessed Mother must shed for the United States of America!

It is interesting to note that there are three conditions to be met in order to commit a mortal sin. These conditions are: 1.) A grave matter; 2.) The full cooperation of your free will; 3.) Full knowledge of the seriousness of the matter. How can a Catholic rationalize voting for someone who, by his own admission, was for abortion? If you voted responsibly, you had to know this. Condoning and voting for a candidate that is for abortion, makes you an accessory after the crime . . . doesn’t it?

“But there are other issues at stake . . .” When will people wake up and realize that majority doesn’t make right? What can be more important than the moral issue of the God given right to life? In the Face of Eternity, will you be ultimately be judged on how you protected the amount of your Social Security check, your job security or your economic life style? Will it matter at that point? Will you be able to face the souls of the unborn a reckless vote murdered before their time? If we care so much for the little guy, why did fifty percent of the Catholics vote in favor of the candidate promoting the killing of the littlest of all?

How many times have you heard the tired view point that thinks that as a legal matter, it is all right to vote pro-choice? And the justification that we need to build a society where the need for abortion is reduced? And how there are so many more important issues at stake? You can’t build an honorable society with a foundation of dead pre-born. You won’t get the violence out of the world until we treat the weakest as our strength. The next presidential election is 2017. How will your vote go this time?

Barbara M. Barthelette

“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” (Isaiah 5:20)

One thought on “The Catholic Vote in 2016?

  1. Woe, indeed. The “Catholics” aborted their beliefs for selfish political expediency and a disconnected sense of “purpose”. The material world’s purpose, not God’s.
    May God have mercy on their wretched souls.


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