Little Dresses for Africa!

P1000574 P1000575 P1000576As many of my friends know, I like to sew but even with all that is available to sew, sometimes, you need a project that means something, too. I recently discovered ‘Little Dresses for Africa’. Links to check out: and

Basically, volunteers from all over that love to sew and like to give of themselves are making these dresses for little girls and distributing them to Africa through orphanages, churches, and schools. The basic pattern is easy and you can probably make more than one in the space of an afternoon. There is also a pattern available on-line for making shorts for little boys. I have a lot of fabric, not a lot of time, but making these dresses works right into my schedule. Only one major seam, a drawstring type of neckline and whatever else you want to add like pockets, lace, etc., is up to you.

Check out the pictures on the first link and see how happy the children are on distribution day when they all get a new dress.

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