Bragging Rights!

P1000560 P1000561 P1000562Now, we are always pleased and proud of all our children in whatever they do of merit in life. There are some times, however, when our darling children outdo our wildest dreams. My bragging right for today are pictures of my older son’s first book which was published a couple of weeks ago. He sent us a copy which arrived in the mail, today. He even remembered to autograph it in his usual, down-to-earth, time-saving way: For Mom and Dad – John

We’ve been following his progress in this new adventure in his life for the last year. It is so thrilling to actually hold the finished product in our own hands. I’m studying Chinese in order to some day read the book but found I understand the English portions pretty well! 🙂

6 thoughts on “Bragging Rights!

    1. I’m working on finding out how to get copies. Even though it is for Chinese-speaking people to learn colloquial English, there is enough funny English stuff in the book to make it enjoyable for us less educated people! John is on Facebook and I think he has an ‘open book’ setting so anyone can get on it and comment if you want to say ‘hi’.


  1. How wonderful! You must be sooo proud! Silly me, of coarse you are. I am very happy for you all and so impressed with his career.


  2. ABSOLUTELY RIGHT you have a reason to brag!!! When our kids do well – that is our legacy. Every right to be proud of making the world a better place through our investment in the future of this world.
    HOORAY for John!


    1. Thank you! We’ve been awaiting the completion of this project for the last year so were happy to finally find a copy for us in the mail. The premise of the book is an anteater explaining English colloquialisms. John is currently working in a relatively new Language school and is in charge of hiring/firing teachers. He keeps busy!


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