Doll Bedding Project Completed!

P1000515 P1000516 P1000517My doll bedding project is now complete! Yesterday, I finished off with an assortment of decorative pillows for the four beds because what doll family doesn’t appreciate a well-made bed?

5 thoughts on “Doll Bedding Project Completed!

    1. The bedding is heading to New Hampshire and both the little girl’s mother and I are excited about the reaction on Christmas when she gets the bunk beds complete with bedding for her four dolls.


  1. These just could NOT be more adorable!!! There will be both photos & video of her reaction! The beds will be out in the open with maybe a bow on them but these will be wrapped so the “magic” begins when she starts to unwrap & realize all of this amazing stuff! Even better will be her reaction when I tell her you made it all for her! She still wears the skirts & uses the tote bag as her official purse everywhere we go! ❤


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