Single Cell Salvation?

If a single living cell was found on a distant planet, scientists would exclaim that we have found life elsewhere in the universe.
So, why is a single living cell found I the womb of a pregnant woman not considered life?P1060432

Natural Virtues and Modern Times

P1050701“Natural virtues, practiced in the proper frame of mind and heart, become supernatural. Each century calls for its type of Christian perfection. At one time it was martyrdom; at another it was the humility of the cloister. Today we need the Christian gentleman and the Christian citizen. An honest ballot and social decorum among Catholics will d more for God’s glory and the salvation of souls than midnight flagellations or Compostellan pilgrimages.”

(Archbishop Ireland – Introd. To Elliott’s Hecker.)

Interesting quote and our current mind set seems to fall short of the stated requirements. It is hard to forge ‘natural virtues’ on a large scale when the majority accept sin as normal and abortion a mere medical procedure. A ‘Christian gentleman and the Christian citizen’ would have spent more time researching their cast votes in many elections and we might not be in the moral and economic predicaments we find ourselves today. There is an often used phrase about apologizing afterwards. The trouble with that is the result of a selfish or unthoughtful vote/action could change the very future of even the yet unborn . . . At least those unborn who will be allowed the ‘privilege’ of being born.