Little Dress for Africa – Latest Creations Ready to Mail!

P1000943 P1000942 P1000940A friend recently decided to dismantle her sewing room and gifted me with yards and yards of beautiful fabric. They all seemed to lean towards becoming new dresses for little girls who have never had one in their life. The interesting part in accepting fabric from another quilter/seamstress is that you discover how narrow your view of color can be as you tend to have favorites and, as i found, sometimes neglect some creativity with choices outside your usual box.

I particularly had fun working with the pre-printed quilt patterns and fabrics with printed borders. I think I made more red and navy blue dresses this week than I have in the past few years.

I sent off 15 dresses last month and was figuring on taking a break until after my Christmas sewing was done but the temptation of new and wonderful colors proved to be too much temptation!