Tea Time Sandwiches

A friend and I once sponsored a cookie exchange with a snacking buffet during the holidays. I had a lot of fun researching snacks and finger foods for the event. This was a last-minute find but turned out to be the most popular. The ingredients sound simple but the combination got rave reviews. And, as always, a basic recipe is open to personal interpretation by way of extra seasonings or additions of your own.

Tea Time Sandwiches
Along with a salad, you have the makings of a light but elegant lunch.
1 cup pitted, chopped green olives
1 cup pitted, chopped black olives
1 cup mayonnaise
1 cup toasted and chopped walnuts
2-3 stalks chopped celery
Soft butter
1 loaf of a good, solid textured brown or white bread
Combine the first five ingredients. Butter two slices of bread, spread mixture, form a sandwich and cut into small triangles. If you are feeling particularly elegant, you can cut off the crusts!