Quotes for the Day – Some of My Favorites!

“People are like tea bags – you have to put them in hot water before you know how strong they are.”

“The road to Hell is paved with stones of postponed resolutions. .. God has promised men pardon if they are penitent, but not if they procrastinate.” Fulton J. Sheen

“ . . . power can only make ugliness uglier.” G. K. Chesterton

“A man warmly concerned with any large theories has always a relish for applying them to any triviality.”
G. K. Chesterton


Believing in God and Country – Quotes from Ronald Reagan


With the attacks coming so strongly against people of Faith, it is good to remember some of the quotes from President Ronald Reagan. He may not have been a perfect president but he put God into his thoughts, actions, and decisions.
“We in the United States, above all, must remember that lesson, for we were founded as a nation of openness to people of all beliefs. And so we must remain. Our very unity has been strengthened by our pluralism. We establish no religion in this country, we command no worship, we mandate no belief, nor will we ever. Church and state are, and must remain, separate. All are free to believe or not believe, all are free to practice a faith or not, and those who believe are free, and should be free, to speak of and act on their belief. (President RONALD WILSON REAGAN)

“At the same time that our Constitution prohibits state establishment of religion, it protects the free exercise of all religions. And walking this fine line requires government to be strictly neutral. And government should not make it more difficult for Christians, Jews, Muslims, or other believing people to practice their faith. And that’s why, when the Connecticut Supreme Court struck down a statute — and you may not have heard about this; it was a statute protecting employees who observed the Sabbath. Well, our administration is now urging the United States Supreme Court to overturn the Connecticut Court decision. This is what I mean by freedom of religion, and that’s what we feel the Constitution intends.” — Remarks to Members of the Congregation of Temple Hillel and Jewish Community Leaders in Valley Stream, New York, 26 October 1984 (President RONALD WILSON REAGAN)

“I believe that the most essential element of our defense of freedom is our insistence on speaking out for the cause of religious liberty. I would like to see this country rededicate itself wholeheartedly to this cause. I join you in your desire that the Protestant Churches of America, the Catholic Church, and the Jewish organizations remember the members of their flock who are in prison or in jeopardy in other countries. We are our brothers’ keepers, all of us. And I hope the message will go forth from this conference: To prisoners of conscience throughout the world, take heart; you have not been forgotten. We, your brothers and sisters in God, have made your cause our cause, and we vow never to relent until you have regained the freedom that is your birthright as a child of God.” — Remarks at a Conference on Religious Liberty, 16 April 1985 (President RONALD WILSON REAGAN)

“If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a Nation gone under.” (President Ronald Reagan)

US Election 2016 – Quotes to Consider

We are still a nation of laws. We just have to check with Barack Obama every day to see what they are. Ted Cruz
You can avoid reality, but you can’t avoid the consequences of avoiding reality. Ayn Rand
This country belongs to the people who inhabit it. They can exercise their coustitutional right of amending the existing government, or their revolutionary right to overthrow it. Abraham Lincoln
Historically; the most terrible things: war, genocide, and slavery have resulted not from disobedience but from obedience. Howard Zinn
Obama vs. Lincoln:
With or without congress, I’m going to act on my own. I have got a pen and I have got a phone. Barack Obama
The people of the United States are the rightful masters of both congresses and the courts. Not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution. Abraham Lincoln

Laughing At Ourselves!

“I don’t make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts.”
— Will Rogers

“A billion here, a billion there, pretty soon it adds up to real money.”
— Senator Everett Dirksen

“If there were no God, there would be no Atheists.”
— G. K. Chesterton

Valentine’s Day Quotes


“Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.” – Aristotle

“I love being married. It’s so great to find one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life.” – Rita Rudner

“Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, and therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.” – William Shakespeare

“Let us always meet each other with a smile, for a smile is the beginning of love.” – Mother Theresa

“I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you.” – Paulo Coelho
“I am weird, you are weird. Everyone in this world is weird. One day, two people come together in mutual weirdness and fall in love.” – Dr Seuss

“It’s funny how we set qualifications to the right person to love, when we know at the back of our heads the person whom we truly love will always be an exception.” – Ally McBeal

“Love has the power of making you believe what you would normally treat with the deepest suspicion.” – Mirabeau

“Love is a grave mental disease.” – Plato

“Love is the thing that enables a woman to sing while she mops up the floor after her husband has walked across it in his barn boots.” – Hoosier Farmer

Loving is not just looking at each other, it’s looking in the same direction. ~Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

“Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love.” – Albert Einstein

“I don’t understand why Cupid was chosen to represent Valentine’s Day. When I think about romance, the last thing on my mind is a short, chubby toddler coming at me with a weapon.”
-Author Unknown

Church Marque Messages

*To belittle is to be little
*God answers knee mail.
*The wages of sin is death. Repent before payday.
*Under same management for over 2000 years.
*Forbidden fruit creates many jams.
*If you do not want to reap the fruits of sin, stay out of the devil’s orchard.
*Tithe if you love Jesus! Anyone can honk!
*Soul food served here.
*Adam and Eve had an ideal marriage. He didn’t have to hear about all the men she could have married, and she didn’t have to hear about the way his mother cooked.

Cleanliness is Next to Godliness!

“Better keep yourself clean and bright. You are the window through which you must see the world.”
George Bernard Shaw

“I believe in getting into hot water – it helps keep you clean.”
G. K. Chesterton quotes

“Do you know what you call those who use towels and never wash them, eat meals and never do the dishes, sit in rooms they never clean, and are entertained till they drop? If you have just answered, “A house guest,” you’re wrong because I have just described my kids.”
Erma Bombeck

“God doesn’t seek for golden vessels, and does not ask for silver ones, but He must have clean ones.”
Dwight L. Moody

“If they’d lower the taxes and get rid of the smog and clean up the traffic mess, I really believe I’d settle here until the next earthquake”
Groucho Marx

“Women speak because they wish to speak, whereas a man speaks only when driven to speech by something outside himself-like, for instance, he can’t find any clean socks”