National Holiday and Memorial Day!

I discovered in my Internet musings that just about every day of the year is a National Day of something or other. I think we should start keeping track and celebrate them according to their topic. I mean, what else do busy people have to do all day, right? Since I have been so remiss in sharing this important information with you, I will start with the ‘holidays’ listen for today.

Today, May 23, 2015, we have two options to observe -National Lucky Penny Day or National Taffy Day. I’m thinking that if we can come up with enough lucky pennies, we can afford a piece or two of candy in celebration of National Taffy Day.

May, 24, 2015 has an interesting selection of national observances. There is National Scavenger Hunt Day and National Escargot Day. I suppose you could combine them with the point of the scavenger hunt to be discovering escargot – snails for the less continental among us who prefer to stick to the recognizable fast food menus for that quick snack.

May 25, 2015 included National Brown-Bag It Day, National Tap Dance Day, and National Wine Day. I guess that with enough celebration of National Wine Day, one might be persuaded to done a lampshade and try tap dancing. Too much tipsy tap dancing and wine would give the brown bag a whole other use!

May 25, 2015, this year, is the last Monday in May which commemorate a most important day of observance – Memorial Day. Remember that Memorial Day is not for shopping for bargains, special sales, or elaborate food-laden parties but a day to remember all the people in our military who have been in the armed services of the United States and gave everything they had to provide us with a day off from work!

My father served overseas at the end of World War II. My grandfather ultimately died of untended wounds from a stay in a French prisoner of war camp shortly after the end of World War I. My great-uncle served all over the world until his retirement. My father-in-law was blind in one eye and was not drafted but he begged to be enlisted and served in a stateside job in World War II. Our country has been dealing with serious situations for many years now in the Middle East and, subsequently, we have lost many wonderful, devoted soldiers.

Heavenly Father,
On this Memorial Day, we pray for those who courageously laid down their lives for the cause of freedom. May the examples of their sacrifice inspire in us the selfless love of Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.
Bless the families of our fallen troops, and fill their homes and their lives with Your strength and peace.
In union with people of goodwill of every nation, embolden us to answer the call to work for peace and justice, and thus, seek an end to violence and conflict around the globe.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.

103.5 WIMZ's photo.

Prayers for Air Asia Indonesia Flight QZ8501 Passengers



AS OF 30 DECEMBER 2014 18:00 PM LT (GMT+7)

 SURABAYA, 30TH DECEMBER 2014 – AirAsia Indonesia regrets to inform that The National Search and Rescue Agency Republic of Indonesia (BASARNAS) today confirmed that the debris found earlier today is indeed from QZ8501,

“They cannot wholly pass away,

How far soe’er above;

Nor we, the lingerers, wholly stay

Apart from those we love:

For spirits in eternity

As shadows in the sun,

Reach backward into time, as we,

Like lifted clouds, reach on.

(J.B. Tabb: The Departed – 19th century)

Pope Francis . . . He Needs Our Prayers!

Please pray for the health and protection of our Pope Francis…. just a simple Hail Mary. Especially now that ISIS has targeted the Vatican and plans to assassinate the Pope!


Our goal is to reach ten million Hail Mary’s for Pope Francis. Send this message to all Catholic friends or even to those who like him. We pray for the Holy Father that the heavenly Mother intercedes for him and protects him in his ministry:

Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with thee, blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

Do not forget to share this message with your friends friends. We want to reach ten million Hail Marys. untitled

Praying for Our Soldiers

A Soldiers Prayer – Praying for Safety and Courage 

A Prayer for Soldiers Brave warriors, should fate find us in battle, May our cause be just. May our leaders have clear vision. May our courage not falter. May we be triumphant an earn victory as we show mercy to our enemies. May our efforts bring lasting peace. May our sacrifice be always appreciated by those we serve. May we return to our loved ones unharmed. Should we be harmed, may our wounds heal. Should we perish in the struggle, may God embrace us and find for us a place in His Kingdom. 10155532_10153950888905006_1871297609_n

As Easter Draws Nearer . . .

As Easter Draws Nearer . . .

“Let Thy gracious favor, we beseech Thee, O Lord, carry us through the fast which we have begun; that as we observe it by bodily discipline, so we may be able to fulfill it with sincerity of mind.”

(Roman Missal, Collect for Friday after Ash Wednesday.)