Be Merciful Unto Us O Immortal God!

This was a prayer that came across my e-mail about a month after 9/11. I’ve prayed it most every day since then and finally remembered to share it now. Seems to me the world hasn’t made many spiritual strides since 9/11, either in safety, terrorism, or spirituality. Prayer, however, could be a powerful tool.

O Jesus, Divine Redeemer, be merciful unto us and the whole world. Amen.

O Powerful God! O Holy God! O Immortal God! have pity on us, and on all that are in the whole world. Amen.

Pardon and mercy, O my Jesus! during these present dangers, pour on us Thy most Precious Blood. Amen.

O Eternal Father! be merciful to us; by the Blood of Jesus Christ, Thy only Son, be merciful to us, we beseech Thee. Amen. Amen. Amen.


Prayer for Peace


An ancient prayer for peace from the Gaelic tradition: PDF Print E-mail
May God grant us peace,
Peace between neighbors,
Peace within families,
Peace between friends,
In the love of the King of life

Peace between person and person,
Peace between wife and husband,
Peace between teachers and children,
The peace of God above all peace.

Bless, O God, our faces,
Let our faces bless everything;
Bless, O God, our eyes,
Let our eyes bless all they see.

Adapted from an old Gaelic prayer found in prayers for Healing, pp. 123-124