Pineapple Brownies

P1050771Two flavors that go together very well are chocolate and pineapple. The best way to indulge in chocolate? By way of a brownie so combing a brownie with chocolate seems like a great solution.

Pineapple Brownies
1 ½ cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
½ teaspoon salt
3/4 cup butter
1 ½ cups granulated sugar
3 eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 tablespoon freshly grated lemon zest
1 cup crushed pineapple, drained
3 ounces baking chocolate, melted and cooled
½ cup chopped walnuts

Stir together the flour, baking powder, and salt and set aside.

Cream together the butter and sugar thoroughly. Add the eggs, vanilla, and lemon zest, beating well. Stir in crushed pineapple. Fold in the baking chocolate and walnuts. Spread into a 11×13-inch baking pan or one of comparable size or two smaller ones. Bake for approximately 30-40 minutes or until top is firm. Cool before cutting.

Ideas . . .
Save the juice you drain from the crushed pineapple and make a thin glaze for the brownies.

Line the bottom of your baking pan with parchment for cleaner removal of the brownie portions.