Italian Night Meal! Low-Maintenance Italian Sauce

Low-Maintenance Italian Sauce

Ten peeled garlic cloves

3 peeled carrots

3 stalks of celery

1 large onion

1 green Bell Pepper

1 tablespoon granulated garlic

Generous pinch of black pepper and salt

2 teaspoons dried oregano

2 teaspoon dried Basil

1 teaspoon chili flakes

1/4 cup olive oil

2 small cans tomato paste

2 cans diced tomatoes

2 cups chicken broth (canned or homemade)

1/2 cup red wine

Put all the ingredients, except  the tomato products, broth and red wine, in the food processor and pulse until they are ground but not slush. Put back into the large cooking pot along with the remaining ingredients. Simmer anywhere from two to four hours. When your sauce is ready, you can run it through a blender for a smoother version or serve as it. Stirring in a half cup of freshly-grated Romano or Parmesan is good. Taste for seasoning and serve.

Serve over pasta, meatballs, or thin down leftover sauce with more broth and turn into a hearty vegetable soup. Want a meaty version? In another pan, crumble ground beef and brown and add to the sauce a few minutes before serving. Wouldn’t hurt to have some garlic bread on hand to sop up the sauce.

You could also put everything into a crock pot and forget about it for the day!