Friendship . . .

Friendship . . .

“For there is no true friendship unless you weld it between souls that cleave together through that charity which is shed in our hearts by the Holy Ghost Who is given to us.”
– Confession of St. Augustine 5th century.

“Blessed is the man that loves thee, and his friend in thee and his enemy for thee. For he alone never loseth a friend, to whom all men are dear for His sake who is never lost.”
– Confessions of St. Augustine 4th century

“In a true friendship, the weaker of the two must always, little by little, become conformed not only to the habits of life, but to the habits of thought of the stronger.”
-R. H. Benson The Friendship of Christ 20th century

“Sometimes a fragile word
A friendship breaks or seals.
Who knows the word that hurts
Must know its twin that heals.

The heart whose god is God,
Though it has many foes,
Is kept by friendly thorns
More upright than a rose.”
-Sister Miriam Sometimes a Fragile Word, 20th century

“Friendship requires the exchange of good, not evil.” St. Francis de Sales, Introduction to the Devout Life, 17th century