Herbie – A Trio of One!

Herbie - A Trio of One!

When my daughter was in college, she had to do an ecology experiment that she did not like which meant that out of the four fish involved, only one survived. This was almost five years ago now yet Herbie, the survivor, is still . . . well, surviving! He is about four inches long, likes to be alone but like having a 20-gallon tank to himself. During my daughter’s college years, Herbie made several trips home with her on vacations securely settled in a bucket of water for the two-hour drive home.

Herbie as well as my daughter are home now. Our cat loves to watch Herbie but being raised in the house from a kitten, she doesn’t know she is supposed to want to eat Herbie. They spend many an afternoon sitting side by side with only the glass of the tank between them.

When Herbie got her new tank, yesterday, he inspected every inch and seemed amazed when there were two ‘other’ fish to be seen in the reflection.

Getty Villa

Getty Villa

When we visited the Getty Villa last October, we stopped to admire the beautiful fish in one of the fountains. We overhead a guide telling her group that although there were fish in the water, the Getty had never stocked them! I had to wonder how someone would sneak a fish, even a small one, into a museum and put it into the water without being seen. Judging from the many fish, I guess more than one person had figured out the procedure for doing this successfully!