My First Communion

My First Communion

When my older daughter made her First Communion (years ago now!), she wrote a little essay on the day. Since May is traditionally the month of First Communion celebrations, I thought I would share her memory of the day with you.

On my First Communion Day I was very nervous and happy at the same time. I was finally going to receive Jesus.

I walked up at the beginning of Mass with some flowers to give to Mary and then I went to my seat. My parents, grandparents and my best friend were there but that was not the important thing that day. I was going to receive Holy Communion for the first time.

I had a beautiful First Communion. I made my First Communion on Mother’s Day and my brother, John, was one of the altar boys serving Mass. Now my favorite part of Mass is Communion and being old enough to receive Jesus.

All children making their First Communion should remember that it is not important what you wear or who is at the Mass. It is taking Jesus in your heart that matters.