Gluten-Free Chocolate Cupcakes

Gluten-Free Chocolate Cupcakes

Since I’m a huge fan of BetterBatter Flour Blend, i’m always looking for recipes using that particular brand. I have yet to have a failure with it and my children tell me my cakes and cupcakes taste better gluten-free.

I found this recipe, today. and, as you can see from the picture, they worked out well. I didn’t have sour cream on hand so I put a tablespoon of vinegar into milk to make up the required amount called for re. the sour cream and the results were good. Here is the link to the recipe:

I just threw together a quick frosting using a stick of softened butter, vanilla extract, three cups or so of powdered sugar, and enough milk to make a spreadable frosting. My daughter, all of 24 years of age, insisted they needed the sprinkles, too.