The Scents of Christmas!

As far back as I can remember, cookies have been a part of my Christmas. My mother liked to do her baking late at night when everyone was out from under her feet and sound asleep. We often woke up to what seemingly appeared to our youthful view to be mountains of delectable cookies all over the table and counters. We were not monetarily well off in those days but my mother could literally make something out of nothing . . . or, in this case, wonderful Christmas treats with flour, butter, and imagination. These were our Christmas gifts to friends and were always welcomed.  I was twelve or so when I took over the Christmas baking. To this day, the smell of cinnamon and baking sugar cookies brings back a lot of memories.

Granted, since we have had to observe a gluten-free diet for my husband’s health, there have been a few challenges with the baking. The increase in people having to go gluten-free or wanting to do so, has increased the selection of flours and such in the market place and made life much easier. I haven’t had to give up my Christmas baking tradition. I do, however, miss having little ones tripping me up in the kitchen and begging for cookies. These days, they are like stealthy ninjas who grab and run with a fistful of cookies when they think I’m not looking.
