Southern-Style White Bread – Gluten-Free!

Southern-Style White Bread - Gluten-Free!

Since we’ve had to go gluten-free for my husband’s health, i’m always on the hunt for good, bread recipes. I have never purchased any commercially-baked gluten-free products from the store. Just picking up one of those ‘bricks’ of bread was enough warning for me to avoid them at all costs.

Just a few years ago, it was difficult to find substitutes for simple enjoyments like bread but, these days, you just have to Google your wants and you instantly have a multitude of recipes from which to choose. Still, you have to be careful or you can bake your own ‘bricks’!
This recipe, however, has produced some really great bread products for our needs. The first time I tried it, i shaped the dough into hamburger buns and I don’t think anyone could have told the difference or realized it was not a wheat flour product. Yesterday, I was making a turkey dinner and needed bread for the stuffing. I baked the dough in loaf pans and the stuffing was the best it could be. One of my children used a slice spread with cranberry sauce for a snack.

Although you could probably use most any gluten-free ‘flour’ mixture for this recipe, I prefer and use the BetterBatter brand. It is the best-priced and has consistently worked in every gluten-free recipe I’ve tried so far. How much do I like it? I buy 25 pounds at a time!