Talk About your Make A Wish!

This is a beautiful story not only for the content of the day that was spent but all the people who made it happen in a very special way. That’s all I’m telling you. Read it yourself or miss out on a great story in the life of a young man.

A Blessed Easter and Peace

“Where is thy sting, O death? Where is thy victory, O hell? Christ has risen and thou art overthrown. Christ has risen and the demons have fallen. Christ hath risen and the angels rejoice. Christ has risen, and life reigneth. Christ has risen, and not one dead resteth in the grave. For Christ having risen from the dead became the first fruits of them that slept. To Him be glory and majesty to ages of ages. Amen.

Byzantine Pentekostarion, Holy Pascha, Catechetical Discourse of St. John Chrysostom at Matins. (4th century)

Directing Your Easter Prayers

US 106.1 New Country's photo.
 “The morn has spread her crimson rays,
When rang the skies with shouts of praise;
Earth joined the joyful hymn to swell,
That brought despair to vanquished hell.
With Christ we died, with Christ we rose,
When at the font His name we chose;
Oh, let not sin our robes defile,
And turn to grief the Paschal smile.”
(Roman Breviary, Easter 5th century)

Good Friday

Mary McCormack's photo.The emotional ups and downs of Holy Week can be as poignant, solemn, and anticipatory as when these events unfolded in the time of Jesus when he came down to earth to pay for our sins in return for our love. Looking around the world, especially today’s world, I can imagine that Jesus is shaking His head in disbelief. Yet, for those who are looking for a renewal of Faith and devotion, this could be the one time in the year where we can remember our roots and how we arrived at our respective places in life.
Upon entering the church, today, we will find an emptiness. The tabernacle door will be standing open, you will not find the Holy Water fonts filled, the altar is bare, and the mood is somber. Jesus was taken away at the end of Holy Thursday to be judged on sins He did not commit . . . for us.
Yes, many of us will be in church today but no will be hear Mass. The priest consecrated extra Hosts, last night as without a Mass being said, there will be no Consecration. We’ve all followed the Way of the Cross for the last six weeks in one way or the other and it ends today.

Getting More Than Easter Eggs from Easter

It seems like we just received our Ash Wednesday ashes and we are now two days into Holy Week. It is interesting to think about what was going through the mind of Jesus as He knew the time had come and understood what He would be facing. Pre-knowledge like that would floor a regular man. It was only because He was God and man that he could survive the progression of the days up to Holy Thursday. I know I’ve had weeks of dread before a doctor appointment or dental work and cannot imagine coping with something of the magnitude of the crucifixion. Well, that’s because I’m certainly not God!

I also feel a little sad for the people who only see Easter and don’t participate in the journey to that day. There is something about Holy Thursday with the celebration of the Passover with the underlying tension, knowing how it will turn out within hours. Good Friday compounds the sorrow and the church does seem empty without the Blessed Sacrament in place. Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday bring back the joy but we can’t let ourselves forget our Lenten walk and take something good and improved in our lives from it.

It was interesting. . . the last time the Jehovah Witnesses were at my door, we talked about Easter. When I said that Easter tends to blot out the events that brings us to that day, the Jehovah Witnesses were floored that the Catholic Church even observed the Passion and Death of Christ. They were trying to invite me to a talk on it and couldn’t believe that we actually had church on all those days. Made me wonder about what their leaders tell their congregations about other churches and why they feel they have to lie about our beliefs to promote their own.


Holy Week Reflection

O God, from Whom Judas received the punishment of his guilt, and the thief the reward of his confession, grant us the effect of Thy clemency: that as our Lord Jesus Christ in His passion gave to each a different recompense according to his merits, so may He deliver us from our old sins and grant us the grace of His resurrection.

Roman Missal, Collect for Holy Thursday and Good Friday. (Gleasian, 5th to 7th century)
