Remember the Israeli Election . . .?

I often wonder what our country would be like if we went back to the days when journalists and newspapers actually reported the news and were not ‘bought’ minions of the Democratic Party. Perhaps, a time when the voters were not quite so gullible in believing the first thing they hear on the drive-by media news and they could make all sides of the opinion stand up and think, argue, and productively come to a conclusion. We have been spoon-fed too much and it shows in the views and attitudes of the upcoming generation of college students who need a safe place to process instead of the guts to make a decision based on facts. We need to put real history courses back into the schools instead of the watered down, politically correct versions so we don’t continually repeat the worst of the past.

Is Voting for Sin . . . A Sin?

For those of you who think your Catholic vote doesn’t count or matters little who you decide to vote for, you aren’t listening to what is planned for Catholics depending on who is ultimately elected. If you vote by way of your own, personal feelings rather than in line with Church teachings, a lot of Sunday Catholics may get a real wake up call in the pews that might turn them into prayer warriors only after the war is in full force.

“Be wary of candidates who assume to take upon themselves the role of defining what Catholics believe or should believe, unfortunately, the vice presidential debate revealed that the Catholic running for the second highest office in our land is an orthodox member of his party, fully embracing his party’s platform, but a cafeteria Catholic, picking and choosing the teachings of the Catholic Church that are politically convenient.” Archbishop Joseph Naumann of Kansas City, Kansas

“It is ironic that Senator Kaine expressed such profound concern about imposing his religious beliefs on others, while supporting efforts:

1) to coerce the Little Sisters of the Poor and other faith-based ministries to violate their conscience by including abortifacients, contraceptives and sterilizations in their employee health plans.

2) to put small business owners (e.g., florists, bakers, photographers, etc.) out of business with crippling fines if they decline to participate in same-sex marriage ceremonies.

3) to force every American taxpayer to help fund abortion.”
Archbishop Joseph Naumann of Kansas City, Kansas

Archbishop Samuel J. Aquila said that when Catholics stop being Catholic, “the government will step in to fill the void. Indeed, the government will become ‘god’ and impose its beliefs on the citizens.”

Archbishop Aquila also stated in a diocesan article that voting for a Democratic candidate would be the same as selling out Christ and our Fathers in Faith.

“Some, both in politics and in the Church, have stated that it is the Church that needs to change Her teaching to include abortion, same-sex unions and even euthanasia,” he said. “Yet, in faithfulness to Jesus Christ, to the Gospel and to Sacred Tradition, the Church cannot change Her teaching on these issues without denying Christ.”

His Excellency Charles J. Chaput sent a message to his flock warning them that Hillary Clinton is a “scheming, robotic liar with a lifelong appetite for power and an entourage riddled with anti-Catholic bigots.”

Excellency Charles J. Chaput shares an e-mail he received from a non-Catholic attorney who stated these ‘bigots are actively strategizing how to shape Catholicism not to be Catholic.”

“They are, at the very core, trying to turn religion to their secular view of right and wrong consistent with their politics,’ he quotes. ‘We have political actors trying to orchestrate a coup to destroy Catholic values, and they even analogize their takeover to a coup in the Middle East, which amplifies their bigotry and hatred of the Church.”

Just a Vote . . . Or a Mortal Sin?

In order for a sin to be mortal, it must meet three conditions:
Mortal sin is a sin of grave matter
Mortal sin is committed with full knowledge of the sinner
Mortal sin is committed with deliberate consent of the sinner

So, do you think a vote in a presidential election or in any election for that matter, puts your soul in danger of a Mortal Sin? If you do your homework before you vote and vote according to what your research reveals, you might be off the hook if you consider your vote in line with what your Catholic Faith teaches. My husband often says that being good should be so easy! We have ten, basic rules for living our lives yet they don’t always seem to be observed. Many people tend to adjust the Ten Commandments to what fits their view rather than the rock solid facts that are very clear.

We are facing another election and it is turning out to be an historical event. The problem with most historical events is that things change drastically and this election is no exception. Right now, the people I talk to take a ‘my way for the highway’ view of their vote and plan to cast their election ticket to the candidate they want rather than the one most fit for the job. Well, the jury is still out on which of our nominees is most fit for the job so, according to the Ten Commandments, we have some serious discerning to do before we drop our ballot in the box next month.

Abortion—Human life begins at conception in the mother’s womb. For God tells us, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew thee, and before you were born I consecrated you” (Jeremiah 1:5). Abortion is therefore murder. The oldest Christian book (besides parts of the Bible) is the Didache, a book composed by the twelve apostles or their disciples. The Didache proclaims the ancient teaching of the Catholic Church, “You shall not kill the embryo by abortion and shall not cause the newborn to perish” (Didache 2,2). All Catholics who procure a completed abortion or participate in execution of an abortion are automatically excommunicated from the Catholic Church (CCC 2272 and CIC Canon 1314).

This one is a big one for me. You might never have had an abortion but have you ever helped the abortion agenda? Did you vote for obama? The first act in office in his first term was to rescind all the safeguards President Bush had in place for the unborn. To quote him, “I would never want my daughter to be burdened with a baby.” Yet, the Catholic vote helped him win the election. I can’t believe all of that group were totally oblivious of the man’s stand on abortion.

One of Hillary’s first major events was with Planned Parenthood where she promised to not only continue tax-payer funding but to increase it. She also said, when asked, that she doesn’t think an unborn baby has any rights. Seems like that would be a massive blinking red warning light but the Catholic vote seems to be trending her way. Mortal sin or stupidity?

Voluntary doubt of faith—Voluntary doubt of faith is disregarding the revealed truth of God and his Church (CCC 2088). Those who do this risk spiritual blindness and loss of faith

This might be a stretch but the vote for abortion by a supposedly practicing Catholic could be considered a voluntary doubt of faith. Those voters don’t trust in God to provide even if they fear the other agendas of an otherwise more sympathetic to life candidate? And, Donald Trump has a very Prolife VP choice in Mike Pence. Hillary does not.

By her own words and promises, Clinton’s view of taking advantage of the presidential office is a frightening prospect. Besides demeaning the values of rights of the visible citizens, she is supporting more wholesale manslaughter of the innocent unborn. It is not only the horrendous death of a human being but the destruction of our future.

So, could your vote constitute committing a mortal sin? Something to serious consider

Countdown to Election Day

It wasn’t that long ago when the Republican presidential hopefuls harassed Trump until he finally signed the pledge to support whoever became the Republican candidate. And, within a reasonable amount of time, Donald Trump did just that. It seems, however, that almost every other presidential candidate must have had an extra passage on the pledge they signed that said, “But not if it is Donald Trump”.

Every day the opposition forces in this election aka Hillary and her entitled, attack the least thing that Trump utters. They dig up dirt on him from deep in the past while hiring minions to try and hide their own dirty deeds over the years. And with every stone she verbally throws at Trump over ancient history, more and more Republican politicians step back their support of Mr. Trump and malign him in the press.

Both political parties are supposed to keep in mind that we are a country for the people and by the people. Regardless of feelings, the majority of the country spoke and Donald Trump is our nominee. As soon as this became fact, the Republican party seemed to forget who is supposed to have the last word in the country. Instead of tearing down the only candidate they have in the race, you would think they would circle the wagons and work with Trump and work together to prevent another four years of obama-like governing with the added poison of Clinton’s self-serving agendas. It isn’t even of brain scientist proportions. Clinton is very clear that she will use her hoped for Executive Orders to take down freedom and overtax the nation. The Republican Establishment, however, is still smarting by the fact that someone outside their sacred circle pulled out in front and is speaking of many reasonable things the Republicans have failed to offer or defend even with having had majorities voted in during the last eight years.

The months before the election have counted down to days now. You have to wonder about the mind set of these politicians mouthing off about the Republican Party having the answers to the country’s problems if only they could get a real candidate into place. Some have even told people to write in Mr. Pence’s name instead of voting for his running mate. Votes and opinions are scattered by the people who should be supporting Donald Trump. Instead of constantly hitting the media with their disdain, fear, jealously, whatever of Mr. Trump perhaps they should spend more time supporting the candidate and publicizing the facts on Hillary Clinton that could bring down the country. The Hillary History should be required reading for all Republicans.

Dr. Ben Carson on the Issue at Hand

“The recent disclosure of lewd conversations Donald Trump had over a decade ago has caused some disillusionment among GOP stalwarts and conservative voters. In no way do I condone Trumps behavior – in fact I condemn any form of disrespect towards women. We should always honor and respect the dignity of our mothers, sisters and daughters. Even though the incident happened ten years ago, well before Trump entered the political arena, this behavior is unacceptable, especially by someone who aspires to higher office. Trump did the right thing in immediately and unequivocally apologizing.

I feel fairly certain that the progressives have had knowledge of this conversation for a long time and dropped it at this point in time in an effort too obscure the release of damaging information about Hillary Clinton and her desire for open borders. I believe that they have more material that they will release periodically up until the election to keep a negative focus on Donald Trump. They do not want to discuss the vital issues that are destroying our nation and the future of our children, because they do not have logical solutions and offer more of the same that has gotten us into this precarious situation.

Those of us who do not want to see America fundamentally devolve into something worse must be wise enough to recognize the scheme that is being played out here. We must demand not only that the issues be discussed but also that we make our decisions based on issues and not on personalities or decade old statements and behavior by Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump. The political elites and their loyal media are desperate because they are seeing the large enthusiastic crowds for Donald Trump and the meager crowds for Hillary Clinton, and they know that there will be a huge enthusiasm gap on election day.

The question is; will the political elites of both parties succeed in continuing there reign of fiscal irresponsibility and military weakness or will the people understand what is going on and will they be wise enough to thwart those efforts?”

Lots of Stones Cast By The ‘Sinless’ Democrats!

Certainly, I do not condone Donald Trum’ps behavior of eleven years ago . . . but, it was ELEVEN years ago! Everyone in this world has a past they’d rather not revisit and most, having grown up, have changed. It seems to me that the Hillary faction spends a lot of time digging up dirt on the competition than really and truly running as president. It has been turned into a mud slinging party without explaining to the American people exactly how they will save the country. Well, on the side of the Democrats, the proposed policies of Hillary don’t seem to be beneficial to our lives as we know them today. If six billion managed to go missing during her tenure in the State Department, you have to wonder what life would be like under a Hillary Clinton Administration.

It would be interesting and refreshing to have an unbiased media covering this election, reporting the truth instead of writing cheap novels and calling them news. It might educate a lot of voters if they did their research on both candidates and reported it truthfully. Have you noticed the news segments that manage to surface about Hillary’s lies and deceptions tends to be a short flash in the pan while Trump speaks out of turn and they to immortalize this infraction forever and ever.

The most contact I have with other voters are Catholic voters. Many of them are ardent fans of Clinton. Arguing with them is useless and their screaming in indignation if I disagree is unpleasant and best to be avoided. It it obvious that they are not voting in line with God but basing their vote on their personal opinion without putting God into the equation.

Yes, there are a lot of ins and outs on this election and, in many ways, a nightmare to be sure. However, as a Catholic, Hillary loses all the points for me on one major issue . . . the unborn which she says have absolutely no rights as a citizen until they are born . . . and then, given the world that could be iffy. Now you can’t say this isn’t common knowledge as she spoke energetically from Planned Parenthood early on in the campaign complimenting them on their work. I guess she is happy with baby dismemberment and the sale of ‘spare’ parts. She wants to take away many Constitutional rights because she knows she is backed by uninformed voters and a warped media. She speaks little. or that I have heard, on the plight of the Veterans. The rate of suicide is 50% higher among veterans than the civilian population. We have all heard the desperate situation with care in the veterans hospitals. Yet, rather than focus time and money on this American tragedy, Hillary vows to bring in something like 500,000 ‘refugees’ every year of her term. We don’t seem to have enough jobs for citizens . . . but she seems to feel that citizens who pay taxes are not of primary concern.

Yes, this is an ‘interesting’ election and not one anyone could have ever dreamed of taking place. In the face of obvious good/bad differences, the media (as usual) is promoting and protecting the candidate with the worst political record. Besides, it is always more fun to destroy a candidate than use one’s journalistic talents to fairly report an election. The Good Lord help us all!

Thoughts on Voting 2016

Seems like a simple question. I know more than a few Catholics/Christians who are planning on voting for the ex-Secretary of State. Guess they don’t mind participating in the slaughter of the unborn by ‘proxy’. You vote for Hillary, she has already promised to more than fund Planned Parenthood.

Not worried about the ‘refugee’ invasion in Europe. Obviously a drive-by media aficionado otherwise you would know that European countries are suffering greatly with the masses of ‘refugees’ inflicted on them. Obama has already brought in many of them to the United States and Hillary wants to bring in untold numbers. We are having more and more attacks the media tries to soft-pedal. You don’t inform yourself, you could very well end up as victim of a horrible news report. It’s not just in Europe anymore.

Meanwhile, we are being distracted by police killings, exaggeration of whether it is black on white, white on black, or black on black crime with the news only reporting fully on what supports the democratic agenda.

We all have responsibilities as citizens and human beings. Might be time for more research before blame, to stop condoning the riots and believing they are protests, and find out what we are voting for before we have to live with the results. Liars and cheats don’t live any differently once they get into the Oval Office.