The Queen of the House!

Fresh is an in and outdoor cat. She spends the early morning and early evening maintaining the integrity of the neighborhood specifically your property. The other two cats finds her fascinating but she doesn’t return the admiration. Often, when trying to enter the house, she has to get past the curious cats who just want to get a friendly sniff of this admirable feline.

Fresh had a bed and cat tree in our garage but prefers to rest along the windshield of the cat especially after we have taken it out for a drive (aka as shopping! to warm it up for her. She does spend time in the house but always has to get past the ‘welcoming’ crew at the door. As you can see from the pictures, she always moves fast.

Let Sleeping Cat Alone!

Fresh is a part-time outdoors cats and is the terror of the neighborhood if any uniformed cat (or dog!) steps foot in our yard. She soon informs them. Although she enjoys coming in the house, she prefers her ‘private apartment’ our entire   garage. She tends to get a little miffed if she wants to curl up on the car and we haven’t taken it out sufficiently to warm it up for her. In the warmer weather, she takes her naps on top of the cars.

Today, she was looking particularly fetching as she napped on the car so I got my camera. She didn’t try to stop me but her slow but steady move toward me, advised me to go back inside and let her finish her nap.

Vengeance is Mine . . . Says the Cat!

We have three cats. One of them is the ‘baby’ and weighs in at over 16 pounds. The second one is a mere 12 pounds and very long and thin. The smallest is only six pounds but is the one to watch when she gets angry. She loves to get her back rubbed and her ears scratched . . . until she doesn’t and woe be to the person who isn’t paying attention to the warning signs. Fresh, the tiny terror, came as a stray and only comes in as far as the garage where she rules supreme.

My husband and I were heading out for the afternoon on Sunday and when we drove down past the side of our house, there was Fresh sauntering along smelling the flowers and checking out the neighborhood. When she saw the car, she perked up so we turned around and went back to our driveway to open the garage door for her so she could eat and have a nap in safety while we were gone. She didn’t trust us so waited until we actually pulled in the garage to come in BUT the minute she started eating, we pulled out and hit the remote control and she was safe while we were gone whether she liked it or not.

We came home three hours later and when we opened the garage door, she was sitting in the middle of the floor glaring at us before she slowly walked outside and disappeared for the rest of the afternoon. I mentioned to my husband that this had been too easy and I’m just waiting to run across whatever she might have destroyed while we were gone to exhibit her feline wrath. It didn’t take long to follow the shreds leading to the tortured and destroyed roll of paper towels.

I think we have been forgiven, however, as we found a freshly-killed mouse on our front step this morning. I don’t know how much this was gratitude or an offer of exchanging the mouse for some stinky canned cat food.

In Control of the Animal Kingdom!

Fresh is our semi-outdoor cat by her choice. She can be a little bit feral also as the mood takes her. She enjoys her time in the house because the dogs can see her through the slider and can bark all they want. She doesn’t waste her precious cat thoughts on our other cats, either, but is aware of them at all times.

Yes, Buster, I KNEW you were there. Want to see my claws?
Yes, Buster, I KNEW you were there. Want to see my claws?

Our House Cow

Now, you might be amazed to know that we are harboring a house cow on our premises these days. Frankly, I’m not sure how the zoning laws would apply so the less said, the better right? I will admit that we were taken in at first as he is pretty small for a cow and after almost two years hasn’t grown substantially.

We discovered the hidden fact when my husband had been cutting grass and tracked some into the house. Well, what we thought was a cat turned out to be a grass-starved cow! Since he discovered that grass comes from outside the big door in the hallway, known as the entrance to the rest of us, he breaks out into pathetic ‘moos’ whenever one of us goes outside and forgets to bring in a handful of grass to satisfy his craving. His piteous ‘moooomewows’ are heartbreaking and usually send us right back out to procure the needed addition to his diet.

He has a few other requirements. Don’t just toss down a few blades of grass onto the kitchen floor. He won’t eat them. Don’t forget to wash the grass. He won’t eat them. He wants a paper plate and nice, damp grass and usually leaves us along the rest of the day . . . unless we venture out the front door for the mundane purposes of bringing in the mail, putting the trash cans away, or watering the lawn.

