Your Vote in 2020 Could Earn You a Sin in Supporting Abortion

The past week or so, one of the ongoing conversations has been on the subject of abortion. Now, abortion is usually in the forefront of any Christian Pro-life Conservative mind but recent ‘advances’ in the process of an abortion has raised horrible mental images and fears in the heart of people who recognized abortion for what it is . . . the painful, horrible, brutal death of an innocent baby. Several states have increased the distasteful methods of depriving the world of people that could grow up and be the answer to many problems. Instead, the leftist politicians and people have made sure that many of the future possibilities of the world will not make it past their actual birth day. One politician actually went so far as to say that an ‘abortion’ after a live birth was a definite possibility. People applauded and smiled over the advancement of ‘reproductive health’ for the mothers. To me, reproductive means to reproduce and nothing comes of the ‘reproductive health’ procedure but a dead baby for whom even the parents will not give a decent burial. Many doctors/medical schools actually use fetal tissue and, in spite of many rebuttals, planned parenthood is selling discarded babies for money. Do people realize that actual fetal cells have been used in the development of foods that are on the market or in beauty products?

Given the seriousness of this downward evolution of human thinking, I wondered how the subject would be handled at Mass this morning. I thought for sure that there would be something mentioned in the prayer petitions at Mass . . . Not a word! In fact, thinking back over the years, I distinctly recall the 10th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade. We went to an afternoon Mass with prayers in mind for that event and wondered what the presiding priest would be preaching on that. Again, not a word which puzzled me given the ten year anniversary of this and the Catholic acknowledgment and viewpoint given at Mass that would surely happen.

There is definitely a change in the world and not to the good. We have a president and vice president that defend life and want to ban, at least, the horrors of late-term abortions yet the Democrats go out of their way to protect the sin of murder on the most helpless of beings. One congresswoman even went as far to say that the president wanting to ban late-term abortions was so sad. Then we have the women who brag about how many abortions they have had without a problem. For me, two decisions are often made that results in an unwanted pregnancy: immorality that brings around that particular near-occasion of sin and a lack of taking any precautions. That, however, in a sane world is where the woman’s decisions come into play. Once she is pregnant, her decisions should stop short of killing the innocent bystander, the baby.

Although the Catholics who publicly vote for such measures against the unborn children have already, by their public display of their support, have excommunicated themselves, it would be a good example to everyone if our bishops would confirm the excommunication and the pope would support it. Remember, too, that if you vote for politicians that support this vile means of providing a convenient end to a ‘problem’, you also share in the death of each and every child who died because your vote helped yet another pro-abort advocate into office.

The even worst aspect of all this? The various ‘catholic’ groups that support abortion and even the current agenda. It is beyond me why anyone who doesn’t respect life decides to continue in the faith that does respect life and then try to change the mind of the Catholic Church.

And, Whose Grandmother Will You Be?

A belief held by Italian COMMUNIST Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937) that the way to incorporate MARXISM in capitalist societies was best achieved from the bottom up by stealthily changing the beliefs of the cultural itself. CULTURAL HEGEMONY involves softening or radicalizing the culture’s beliefs about various social issues, such as homosexuality, marriage, education, women’s issues, religion, divorce, pornography, MEDIA, ABORTION, and established political parties. The idea is to move everything to the left so that eventually “”NEW NORMS”” are rooted into society.

Providing a ‘Need’ For Abortion

Hundreds and thousands of babies are being murdered in the womb these days. Recently, the Democratic Party strongly illustrated how that isn’t a problem for them and even increased the atrocities they are willing to allow in the name of ‘reproductive health’ to the point of  infanticide. Now we find out that one of the possible reasons for continuing and adding to the horror of abortion are all the medical facilities that are willing to purchase fetal tissue.

The list of universities on the list of those ordering and using fetal tissue for research.

Baylor College of Medicine
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Columbia University Medical Center
Colorado State University
Dartmouth University
Duke University
Drexel University College of Medicine
George Washington University
Harvard University
Indiana University
Johns Hopkins University
Medical College of Wisconsin
University of Connecticut
University of Illinois
University of Massachusetts
University of Miami
University of Michigan
University of Minnesota
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
University of Pittsburgh
University of Pennsylvania
University of South Carolina
University of Washington
University of Wisconsin
Vanderbilt University
Yale University

Vote Democrat, You Condone Murder . . .

Sen Ben Sasse (R-Neb) wanted to lessen the number of brutal baby deaths allowable through the Democrats decision to violate God’s laws. Not even ONE Democrat stood up for this legislation. NO NOT ONE!
1.Shelly Moore (R-W.V.)
2. Susan Collins (R-Maine)
3. Cory Gardener (R-Col.)
4. Martha McSally (R-Ariz)
5. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska)
6. Rand Paul (R-Ky)
8. Richard Shelby (R-Ala.)
9. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.)

What Stood Out at The State of the Union Address

The democratic women in attendance revealed their colors, last night, when President Trump said he wanted to ban late-term abortion. With snarls on their faces and folded arms, they unified themselves in their desire to have babies killed right up to the ninth month.