Based on False Science and Worse . . .

Holocaust Remembrance Day

I’ve had the blessing of visiting Dachau, Germany on two occasions. Why would I call it a blessing? A blessing in that this particular period of history is past and I got to see first-hand what people can do to each other when they decide a group of people don’t deserve to live. I got to walk through Anne Frank’s hiding place and realized how precious freedom could be when a group of people hid out in very cramped quarters in hopes of outliving the duration of a war on them because they were Jewish.

Today, we should be remembering the horrors of that time in history when animals took over an expanse of the world and did horrible things to innocent people. Although we would all like to breath a heartfelt sigh of relief and should be taking to heart to slogan “Never Again!”, recent history and the current times now reflects a return of bias towards the Jewish community with the added scenario that Christians are now included in the onslaught.

Right now, unless you look for the information, you may still be pretty complacent and ignorant about your freedoms. If you rely on the government to preserve your freedoms, you haven’t been paying attention.