Rosaries . . .

In case you haven’t noticed, the world is getting to be a crazy, obnoxious, even dangerous place. Could it be that we are losing a lot of that ‘old time religion’ in the midst of all the distractions in life – Good and bad?

Time to remind people to get out their Rosary supplies and put your prayer into working condition and make some Rosaries to send out into the world. Pope John Paul once told someone that the Rosary is the ‘key to heaven’. In order to remind you or provide you with places to check out for learning to make Rosaries, I’m providing links below.



The first, St. Paul’s Evangelization, is a group that does street ministry and training. They are expanding and are always in need of Rosaries. This has been my choice for the last couple of years.

Our Lady’s Rosary Makers provides other venues that are in great need of Rosaries both in the USA and in other countries. They also sell the cord, beads, and crucifixes for making both chain and cord Rosaries along with tools and instructions.

In the last year or so, I found another site for purchasing beads. The prices are reasonable, shipping is quick, and the variety is great.

Amazon also has some beads at reasonable prices. Remember that you are looking for 8mm and 10mm beads – Hail Mary and Our Father bead sizes for a regular Rosary.

Remember that it is very likely that you will spiritually benefit from every Rosary you make. Why? Because, in many cases, the Rosary you make could very well bring someone back to prayer and God which is a blessing to you, too, for your time and sacrifice in making the Rosary.

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