Campaign for Human Development Annual Collection

The Sunday before Thanksgiving, Catholic Churches take up a second collection for the Campaign for Human Development. They implore us to consider the plight of others as a Catholic and moral thing to do. According to Life Site News, a little investigation reveals that the collection isn’t always in line with Catholic precepts when they divide up the collection among the needy. In fact, some of the recipients support groups and intentions that are very much out of line with the Church. Who decides where this money goes and why is it okay to consider ourselves a pro-life community when the donations from Catholics in the pews may be supporting abortion and more?

2 thoughts on “Campaign for Human Development Annual Collection

  1. Unfortunately, due to the misplacement of many funds given during the collection at weekend Masses, I never donate to second collections no matter what. Our first collection is for our parish/diocese and that it is for me. Our meager budget does not allow for wasted money so I prefer to know for sure our donations are going to someplace worthy of the hard work put in to earn it. It is a shame to have to do this but it is the only way I can be sure I know where the money goes (and even then, I still wonder!).


    1. We don’t honor second collections, either. The first collection is the important one as people don’t realize how much money is needed to run a church so we try to be generous. We get a list of disbursements at the end of the fiscal year and do our checking there. Did you read all that the campaign donates to planned parenthood and worse? I posted it as people should know that, in this case, their generosity is very much misplaced.

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