More Attacks On Our Freedoms . . .

Why Is ERA Bad for Women, Children and Families?

If ERA passes things like co-ed bathrooms in your children’s school, locker room and even your church will become law. Notice the wording of ERA below.  It doesn’t say “women” anywhere, it says “sex” which, in today’s culture, can mean anything.

Equality Rights Amendment

  • Section 1. Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.
  • Section 2. The Congress shall have the power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.
  • Section 3. This amendment shall take effect two years after the date of ratification.

Myths & Facts About ERA

American’s Women Are Being Lied To!  Check Out These Myths and Facts of ERA and the dangers it poses to women and children.

Myth: Women’s rights are not protected under the constitution.

FACT:  Women’s Rights are Already Protected. The U.S. Supreme Court has already ruled that the Equal Protection mandate of the 14th Amendment applies to women. ERA actually violates the constitution giving special privileges to some while denying the rights of others.

Myth: ERA Protects Women’s Rights

FACT: ERA Infringes on Women’s Rights Under ERA women that are dependent on their husbands would lose social security benefits.Programs that assist women to re-enter the work force would be eliminated, and invalidate the Pregnancy Discrimination Act and other laws that protect pregnant women.

Myth: ERA Protects Women

FACT: ERA Erases Gender and Endangers Women. ERA eliminates privacy for women in our hospitals, bathrooms, locker rooms, nursing homes, prisons and even domestic violence shelters.  The military could not have different training standards for men or women and in the event of war with a draft, the draft would have to apply to women as well as men. ERA would not allow exceptions for privacy in these areas, as all would become unisex.

Myth: ERA creates equality

FACT: ERA erases gender and endangers women and children. Under ERA.  Coed bathrooms, showers and locker rooms in our children’s schools will become mandatory—enforced by law. All sports activities would become co-ed, leaving an unfair advantage to men competing against women.

Myth: ERA will provide equal pay for equal work.

FACT: Equal pay already exists for women. Equal pay for Equal work and discrimination in the workplace laws already exist for all Americans—men and women. It is the law, exclusive to no one regardless of race, religion, or gender.

Myth: ERA creates equality for next generation

FACT: ERA Endangers Children If ERA becomes law, gender identification (see Gender-Bread flyer), homosexuality, and comprehensive Sex education will become mandatory curriculum and courses of study in our children’s classrooms at all grade levels. ERA would overrule states and mandate, by order of the courts, that taxpayers fund abortion on demand—literally killing the next generation!

Myth: ERA has no secret agenda

FACT: ERA Endangers Religious Freedoms. Under ERA churches would be required to perform same sex marriages and all seminaries, schools, and classes would be required coed.

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One thought on “More Attacks On Our Freedoms . . .

  1. Oh Lord… I thought this thing had been put to bed a decade ago… but here it is again. I am sure it’s been resurrected as part of the whole “I HATE TRUMP AND HIS SUPPORTERS AND EVERYTHING CONSERVATIVE AND THE RELIGIOUS BIGOTS AND THE HOMOPHOBES AND RACISTS AND ANTI-PROGRESSIVES AND…” that the current left espouses. They just can’t stop rubbing our faces in their diseases.


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