A Nice Serving of Politics . . . Can They Go Any Lower? Please Don’t Challenge Them!

When I was growing up, I was raised to leave arguments off the table when we gathered around for dinner. The premise was that my mother worked long and hard to provide a good meal and heated discussions were never conducive to good digestion! It was also good training for the times we shared a meal at a restaurant with friends. We were well-behaved and, looking back, I now understand why the waiters/waitresses always gave us good service and little treats to me as I was one child that wasn’t giving them problems or problematic messes they would have to take extra time to clean up once we finished our meal and left. The staff treated us kindly and with good service because, face it, our satisfaction with our ‘purchase’ of their time and a good meal is what kept their employer in business and them productively employed.

Sarah Sanders, President Trump’s very able press Secretary, decided to have a well-earned evening out with a group of friends last week. They decided to enjoy their meal at the Red Hen Restaurant in Lexington, Virginia. It seems the liberal wait staff recognized her and in the usual leftist approach decided that this might not be to their liking so immediately called the owner who drove there in record time to verify that it was Sarah Saunders. She consulted with her staff and they all voted (Democrats that they are!) to oust her from the premises. The owner took her aside and said she wasn’t welcome there and with great class and dignity, Sarah Sanders offered to pay the bill for what they had already started eating, gathered her friends and left.

So much for a free society and freedom of speech as the Red Hen owner decided that politics in her restaurant were her way or no way. Tolerance only works one way with the liberal faction as has been proven over and over and over again.

Mrs. Sanders and her friends went to a restaurant across the street and barely settled in when the owner of the Red Hen decided she had not represented her ’cause’ firmly enough and quickly got on the phone to summon her political lemmings to come and stage a protest at the other restaurant thus destroying a casual evening with friends for the second time. Why? Because they didn’t approve of her politics and her boss, President Donald Trump, the officially-elected President of the United States including the State of Virginia.

Then Maxine Waters, a Congresswoman from California, ranted to her supporters that they need to forcibly let Trump officials know they are not wanted anywhere. Imagine telling one set of American citizens to go after another faction of American citizens because of their vote. To me, that is a call to violence and, even if Miz Waters didn’t exactly meant to hurt anyone in the Democratic Party name, disrupting someone’s day because you don’t like them is the lowest form of behavior. Not to be outdone, Pelosi actually said, ““I just don’t even know why there aren’t uprisings all over the country and maybe there will be when people realize that this is a policy they defend.” I thought inciting violence was against the law?

I guess Democrats like a two-party system in this country as long as their party is the winner. Remember all the riots, violence, burned cars, and injuries that ensued when obama won two terms in a row? Me, neither. Can’t say the same about the election of President Trump.

Sarah Sanders continued with her kindness and dignity in the face of oppression without reason. Tell me, if you wanted to make a friend, would you chose Sarah Sanders or the woman who kicked Sarah Sanders out of her restaurant and then went out of her way to destroy her meal at a restaurant she didn’t own? I guess the woman with a leftist cause did have some cronies as evidenced by the ones who dropped everything to come insult and malign a person who was off duty and trying to have a nice evening out. Frankly, I’d advise Sarah Sanders to either host dinner at her home or find some dignified, caring restaurants that won’t be tempted to include spit in their food!

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” has been translated by the Democratic Party as “Try to do unto before you are done to”!

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