It’s Time to Clean the Refrigerator When . . .

It’s Time to Clean the Refrigerator When . . .
by Barbara M. Barthelette

1.  The light bulb refuses to turn on when the door is opened.
2.  You find a quarantine notice posted on the door, signed by the city.
3. You hear knocking and it is coming from within the closed refrigerator.
4.  Items of mysteriously wrapped leftovers seem to rearrange themselves.
5. Even when the door is closed, there is a strange, green glowing light around
its edges.
6. The dog whines and hides every time you open the refrigerator door.
7.  You panic when one of your children is left alone in the kitchen.
8.  Your aluminum foil is gone and it looks like the tin man was disassembled in
your refrigerator.
9.  You wonder if there is a special blessing for refrigerators.
10. You seriously consider buying a new refrigerator and just having this one
towed away, as is.

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