Charlie Gard, Rest in Peace . . .Pray for Alfie Evans – The UK’s Next Victim?

Like many in the world today, we are still reeling at the heartless treatment of little Charlie Gard. Another child’s name may soon become a household name and elicit the prayers from Christian people around the world. Fourteen-month old Alphie Evans is in a Liverpool hospital in England, on life support, and has doctors strongly advising his life support be removed. To his parents objections, they suggest they  get a lawyer. These parents also want to take their little boy to America for treatment. Given how the doctors in the UK seem to view the ‘do no harm’ of their medical vows, do we have to wonder how this case is going to turn out?

You have to wonder, what do these doctors really care? The parents are more than happy to transfer their son to another medical facility yet the doctors appeal to the courts to insure an outcome for Alphie the same as Charlie. Are they ashamed they couldn’t help the little boy? Is their pride at stake? You would think that at this point when they obviously are not helping the child, they would be more than happy to have another doctor possibly find a remedy and rejoice with the family if it does help. Nope, they take away the rights of the parents, get the courts involved and another little life is blotted out.

Are Vaccine Preventable Diseases Really That Serious?

Nothing lights up the argument channel than a difference of view on the vaccination issue! I’ve actually lost friends because they couldn’t give me enough solid information to make me even consider not providing my children with all the available help in the world. Unfortunately, few people will bother to read the article or take into serious consideration the documented facts included.

There is a complacency in the anti-vaxx people of that world that childhood diseases are not really that bad and certainly don’t need the ‘dangers’ involved with vaccinations to stop them from happening. The article:
should put a lot of these fears and misconceptions to rest . . . but it probably won’t until one of the seriously anti-vaxx people have a child who is seriously impacted by catching one of these ‘minor’ diseases. The following excerpt from the article shows exactly how much impact the pre-vaccination years were in the world.

Vaccine-Preventable Diseases Aren’t Really That Serious

This is one of the more dangerous ideas of the anti-vaccine movement.

The only reason that they get away with it is because vaccines have done such a good job! Since vaccines have eliminated and reduced most vaccine-preventable diseases, few people actually remember just how devastating these life-threatening diseases can be.

It is important to remember that in the pre-vaccine era:

there were regular outbreaks of polio in the United States causing 13,000 to 20,000 cases of paralytic poliomyelitis each year and about 1,000 deaths. In even larger polio epidemics in the 1940s and 1950s, there were up to 3,145 deaths.

there were about 500,000 cases of measles in the United States, with at least 500 to 1,000 deaths and 500 cases of measles encephalitis. As late as 1989-1991, there were 55,622 cases and 123 deaths in the US.

there were up to 200,000 cases of diphtheria and 15,000 deaths each year.
the Haemophilus influenzae type b bacteria caused life-threatening infections, including meningitis, epiglottitis, and pneumonia, in up to 20,000 young children each year. Many were infants, and up to 5 percent died. Among those who survived their Hib infection, up to 30 percent had hearing impairment or neurologic complications.

there were about 270,000 cases of pertussis and 10,000 deaths each year in the United States.
20,000 babies were born with congenital rubella syndrome during a severe epidemic of rubella in 1964 (12.5 million cases). An additional 2,100 newborns died and there were at least 11,250 surgical and spontaneous abortions in women with rubella while pregnant. The 1964 rubella epidemic is thought to have affected at least 1 percent of all pregnancies. These severe rubella epidemics were thought to have occurred every six to nine years, with smaller epidemics in two to four-year cycles.

Even today, about 200,000 children die each year from pertussis, and at least 122,000 die from measles around the world.

Vaccine-preventable diseases are clearly serious. We should also not overlook the fact that they would be just as deadly today if we stopped vaccinating our children and allowed them to come back in the United States.