Little Dresses for Africa – Another Mailing

After making some repairs and adjustments to our home, I was finally able to settle down this past month and get some dresses and tote bags sewn for Little Dresses for Africa. A trip to the fabric warehouse only helped further my inspirations. Unfortunately, for me, I can sew three or four dresses in a day but always put off actually packing them into boxes and getting them in the mail. That is why I am now taking time this week to finally take on that task. I have almost 50 dresses ready to go out and have run out of room to hang them in the meantime!

Tote bags are  welcome, too, so my fabric scraps are getting put to good use.

2 thoughts on “Little Dresses for Africa – Another Mailing

    1. The motto is something to the effect of saving little girls, one dress at a time. I can’t even imagine the happiness of a young girl putting on the first, new, clean dress for the first time and being told it is hers to keep.


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