And, Hillary’s List Goes On . . .

So many things we wouldn’t be aware of if it wasn’t for the watch dogs at Fox News Insider who have been keeping track of all the guilty parties to blame for Hillary Clinton’s dramatic loss last November.

Wait, what or who are Content Farms in Macedonia? Seems Miz Clinton feels there is a group of social media experts in Macedonia who helped turn the tide in her unsuccessful bid for the White House. Where is Macedonia? Seems a single town in formerly Yugoslavia Republic of Macedonia had about 100 Pro-Trump sites which were manned by unemployed people to make a few dollars. The goal was to produce eye-catching headlines, post them on social media and then earn a few dollars depending on how many hits they could generate. Amazing how that could have taken the election so drastically from Hillary’s grasp.

The ever increasing list of those on Hillary’s blame list include (so far!):

The Federal Bureau of Investigation
James Comey
The Russians
Vladimir Putin
Anti-American forces
Low information voters
Everyone who assumed she’d win
Bad polling numbers
Obama for winning two terms
People wanting change
Suburban women
The New York Times
Television executives
Cable news
Democrats not making the right documentaries
Fake news
Content Farms in Macedonia
The Republican Party
The Democratic Party

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