Making the Best of Mother’s Day!

We need to really mark our calendars, mothers of the world! Why settle for just one day when every time zone seems to celebrate on another day. I say we draw on our ancestry and lay claim to a few more Mother’s Days for ourselves!

Given my antecedents, it looks like I should demand not only a US Mother’s Day but the one in the UK as my father’s ancestors immigrated from there which would give me a celebration on the Fourth Sunday in Lent. I’m claiming Canada as my husband’s ancestors come from there as he should go along with the traditions they hold, right. Sure it falls on the same day as the US Mother’s Day but I think I would accept double the flowers and candy. My background is German so that fills in the first Sunday in May for special treatment. And, red hair usually indicates some Scottish and/or Irish heritage so double the celebrations on the fourth Sunday of Lent.

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