And, The Secret Ingredient Is . . .

For quite a few dinner preparations, I had to hide the above fact from my family lest I get early votes on something they weren’t going to try. Cauliflower has actually been the best thing that has happened to our mashed potatoes and once tried, the family doesn’t want to change back. In fact, a few weeks ago, I ran out of cauliflower and made the ‘regular’ mashed potatoes with, well, only potatoes like the normal people do. At the first bite, shocked faces turned to me and demanded, “What happened to the mashed potatoes?” I admitted that there wasn’t any cauliflower to add today.” They finished their dinner but left the table with, “Don’t EVER let that happen, again!”

2 thoughts on “And, The Secret Ingredient Is . . .

    1. You are right only this, with butter and milk, turns into the best mashed potatoes. No one noticed the difference except that they were extra good at Thanksgiving. Also, I use a dash of Bavarian Seasoning from The Spice House which really adds something to the outcome.


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