Pre-Election Observation.

Deep sigh listening to the readings at Mass this morning. It was on Maccabees relating to the widow and her sons that had rather face a tortured death than eat pork which was against their religion. Father explained that in today’s world, we would wonder about how important eating or not eating pork would really be. Father said it was their Jewish faith of long standing and the rules and laws of their religion meant something important to them. To break any of the laws, even that of eating pork would be like a ‘death’ to their soul. Guess with the past two elections, a lot of Catholics took their political party a lot more seriously than possibly following all the dictates of our religion. Praying that in this historical election coming up, they think twice on their vote and leave Hillary in the dust and vote for the party that has more concern for the unborn. The last two elections got obama into office with over 50% of the Catholic vote. Should be interesting on Election Day to find out how many Catholics decided to eat the ‘pork’ again this time around and leave some laws of their faith in the dust.

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