How the World Got This Way . . .

In the last 1800’s, Father Felix Sarda Y Salvany, in order to clarify the effect of a heresy penetrating the church and workplace, wrote the book “Liberalism is a Sin”. Given the date of the writing, one might think that this wouldn’t be a problem in today’s world but just look at the laws, the demands, the elected officials that have invaded our sanctity of life and freedoms. The book is not long but so full of facts and frightening revelations, one can’t expect to relate to much of it in the context of an essay. The surprising thing about the book is that upon reading it, you tend to forget that it was written ‘way back then’ as every word is pertinent to our world today and that is not a good thing. Basically, the books sets out four permanent causes of Liberalism which I will share with you in hopes of enticing you to get the book for yourself and read the whole thing and really start to look around our world today and realize the massive impact with which Liberalism has burdened us.

From Chapter 26: Permanent Causes of Liberalism from Liberalism is a Sin:

1. Corruption of Morals. Well, that is enough said almost within itself and we realize how it has brought down literature, morals with condoned public and private immoralities. “Liberalism is the program of naturalism. Free thought begets free morals or immorality. Restraint is thrown off and a free rein gives in to the passions. “WHOEVER THINKS WHAT HE PLEASES WILL DO WHAT HE PLEASES.”

2. Journalism. Just observing the biased view of the news in this election period points out how deep-seated the blight has become on every aspect of journalism. The news is filtered through the liberals in command and truth is seldom an option in the reporting. Basically, liberals glorify the bad and hush up any good that might contradict the evil influences. “In spite of themselves, by the ubiquity of the press, people are forced to live in a liberal atmosphere.”

3. General ignorance in matters of religion. “ . . . Liberalism has applied itself to the task of cutting them off from all communication with that which alone is able to lay bare its imposture —the Church.” It has always been the goal of Liberals to destroy religious life in order to further entrench the goals of Liberalism. Just a look around the world will show how easily they have accomplished this from over-regulating education, threatening clergy from speaking out against Liberalism, and promoting ‘naturalism’. How many voted for the ‘popular’ candidate in the last two presidential elections? From the first rally, Mr. Obama made himself clear about where he was coming from and has since criticized aspects of Christianity in favor of sinful avenues of political propaganda. I guess the #3 subject line is true because if Catholics/Christians truly knew their Bible and faith, they could not have voted for an avowed supporter of abortion . . . yet, the Catholics, themselves did so overwhelmingly in both elections. I even had priests tell me that voting for him was the right vote. Over the last decades, the Church has made things too easy with cutting back on fasting, cancelling Holy Days of Obligation when they fall on inconvenient days and downsizing the requirements to receive the sacraments. If they had consulted mothers raising two year olds, they could have learned that every time you do not enforce a rule and exact a punishment, the less the children are going to obey and the less they obey, the further they wander from the truth.

4. Secular Education. “To gain the child is to secure the man.” You take God out of the equation, you take reason out of the outcome. “Secularism is naturalism, the denial of the supernatural.” To the majority of parents who involve themselves in their children’s education, this should be obvious. However, the selfie-taking, media-drenched world often distracts and if the parents have been infected with even a bit of Liberalism, they might not realize what is truly at stake. “Snatch the soul of the child from the breast of its mother the Church,” says Liberalism, “and I will conquer the world.”

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