Modesty, Being Female, and the World

The world exploits women and women welcome the exploitation calling it freedom. The evidence of this shows up in modesty, morals, and manners. There is little modesty left in the world. Tight clothing, sheer clothing, body-bearing clothing and worse. There must be a downward trend in underwear sales as there often isn’t enough clothing on a female to warrant wearing it.

Remember the good, old days when there would be screaming and blushing if someone inadvertently intruded upon your privacy when you were only in your underwear? Now females are wearing the equivalent in public . . . and are applauded for their fashion sense! Exploitation, pure and simple. Do you see men going to such extremes to make a statement about their freedom?

Practicing chastity means you have to find other ways to communicate. When your demeanor and clothing seem to offer one thing, how can you expect the male population to understand that you might not be that kind of a person? Is this liberation? What are you communicating?
The saying that you will be the way you act follows the fashion trends. Are you going to get a first impression of a young woman that she is exceedingly moral when she is exposing much to the world and eliminating the need for imagination in regards to her body? If you are trying to live a moral life then why would you exhibit an expanse of private skin and think you can demand respect?

Females complain, saying men aren’t respectful anymore. When you wrap yourself up (or not!) like a piece of eye candy, do you give men the idea that you would like to attend Mass with them?

If you wear immodest clothing, give doubt to your purity, and try to be one of the crowd by using vulgar language, are you free?

The world revolves around bodily adornment these days. The commercials promote the newest colors in makeup, the trendiest clothing, perfume, powder, etc. And much money is made on the immodesty and immorality aspect. Women think paint, powder and unchasteness will make them free.

And the majority that buy into the concept of ‘being with it’, make the less adventurous ones feel inadequate when they try to practice less uninhibited standards. Not only are they putting themselves into the ‘occasion of sin’ but are trying to bring others to the near occasion of sin in order to keep a reasonable comfort range in their lifestyle – everyone else is doing it!

Back in the pre-liberation of women days, if a male objected to a female smoking, cursing, or dressing inappropriately, the female would probably change. Today, we don’t want to be ‘dominated’ by males so we really show them – physically, and spiritually . . . and both genders suffer a loss.

Granted, it can be difficult to take a personal stand and dress for modesty not fashion. It is hard to not lean towards the ways of the world in our manners and morals. And speaking normally without using expletives might set you apart from the majority. Being different isn’t the easy path in life. Perhaps you think that given the complexities of adhering to modesty, manners and morals, a little leniency should be in order. Look at Jesus. He was different and truly following Him demands a change in life You get to make a choice.

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