Hazelnut-Chocolate Cookies

We eat gluten-free so when I see I recipe that appeals to me, I have to study it a bit to see if I can turn it into a gluten-free version. Success today! This is the recipe in it’s original ‘format’:


In order to make it edible for my gluten-free husband, I had to omit the flour and substitute. I took a leap of faith in myself and used the recipe, as is (except for the wheat flour) and used BetterBatter. I’ve tried many brands and this has become my go-to flour for baking these days.

The cookies didn’t turn out quite as thick as shown in the picture on the link but they are thin and chewy . . . which is what I like in a cookie. The mixture of hazelnut spread, unsweetened cocoa powder, and some powdered espresso provided a very tasty cookie.

So, you see, this is a ‘two-way’ cookie! If you are avoiding wheat products, it is possible with this recipe. If gluten-intolerance isn’t a problem for you, just follow the recipe as stated.

Although my husband is the only one with celiac tendencies, the whole family joins in the new diet. Much to our surprise, it is relatively easy, we still get to enjoy our favorite treats and such with the necessary tweaks to avoid the gluten, and all feel better. One problem that we have learned to contend with is reading and then re-reading product labels as wheat and gluten can hid under many names. I looked around, did some research, and found this link which is very detailed and even surprised me with some of the items listed. For all the gluten-free readers, I’m happy to share the following:


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