Quilting Creations

Nothing like a new stash of fabric yardage to rev up the creativity . . . However, I often find that after a trip to the fabric warehouse, I end up gravitating towards bits and pieces of material already on hand. I do like the challenge of a quilt by set pattern but most of my quilting endeavors turn out to be scrap quilts. At least life in my sewing projects seldom get boring.

The quilt pictured here is a birthday gift for one of my daughters. She said she wanted loud, bright, and unexpected. Just my kind of quilting order. The front of the quilt has different pictures that sort of reflect moments through the years and reminders of friends and places. The back of the quilt is her choice of fabrics especially the colorful blocks printed with ‘BLAH . . . BLAH . . . BLAH’ which is often her “I got up too early in the morning” view of the world.







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