2 thoughts on “A Thought and a Fact

  1. Oh, but it isn’t KILLING… It’s “terminating a pregnancy”It’s “a woman making a choice”It’s “reproductive rights”It’s “making a family planning decision” 

    It’s anything but admitting that destruction of life is murder. “It” isn’t alive – until the law says “it” is…”It” can’t live outside the “host” body – therefore it is a parasite until ready to exist on “its” own…”It” is a bundle of cells or tissue – because WE decide who has rights to “Life, Liberty, and the  pursuit of Happiness”…”It” is a decision between a woman and her doctor… …and the best abortionist comeback: “Unless you are ready to adopt all these unwanted “children” – you have no business telling anyone what to do with their lives…” Guess what, self-righteous “social scientist” and “rights advocate” – when I am FORCED to pay for someone else’s stupidity, selfishness, sexual irresponsibility, social irresponsibility, immoral activity, and subhuman promiscuity, I HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO REMIND YOU that engaging in sexual intercourse carries the BIOLOGICAL RESPONSIBILITY of creating, gestating, birthing, raising, educating, and nurturing A HUMAN LIFE. Isn’t it sad how few are even capable of thought beyond “ME ME ME”? Their selfishness makes me physically sick to even have to explain such a logical and “seemingly” undeniable truth. But this society has been bent by the latter-day Pharisees (lawyers) into the selfishness of “situational ethics” and “mitigating circumstances”. This is why in their world we are reactionaries, anti-progressives, regressives, or ignorant tyrants against a woman’s “right to choose”… and this from the same people who threaten you and yours with lawsuits, public ridicule, or death for accidentally running over a puppy or hunting a deer for food… I’m proud to be against anything and everything THEY are, is all I’m saying… Sorry – you hit my hot button. Joe


    1. The subject drives me crazy, too. People will go to great lengths to save animals while think nothing about the babies being torn apart for experiments. Nope, you can’t experiment on animals but human children are fair game? Several years ago, I read about a young girl who kept her condition a secret and there was suspicion as to whether the baby was actually stillborn or she had killed it. I’m wondering why it even came to the courts as she did nothing more than a trip to the abortionist would have accomplished. It is hard to imagine what gifts to the world have been tossed out the backdoor of these ‘clinics’ in the name of ‘choice’.


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