Guarding the Borders

Donald Trump made a statement that, if he were president, he would restrict any person or group of people he felt were a threat to the United States. Arguments aside on the reasons for his idea, the media is having a Trump bashing day with even the White House   coming out and saying   Trump should bow out of the race as his views on the subject make him unfit for running and, possibly, being elected president. It has been said that this idea by Trump was unconstitutional.

Seems the people who are coming at Trump for his words might consider a bit of research on the topic before throwing the proverbial stones.

One thought on “Guarding the Borders

  1. Excellent point!
    Though I have never liked the idea of a “U.S. Code” above and beyond the Constitution, this pretty much sums up how the courts and states would have to react to such a declaration that is “legally” binding as to the powers of the Executive Branch.
    Here it is, folks – read it and weep – or get rid of that U.S. Code.


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