Cat’s World – Everything is for Playing!

We inadvertently acquired another cat. My husband learned to never say to my daughter, “Oh, look at that kitten under the neighbor’s care.” because said kitten soon took up residence much to the dismay of our two dogs and two cats. Buster is only six months old and needs a lot of play time which our older cat is not interested in providing. Buster is interested in everything and vacuum cleaners do not scare him and anything on the floor belongs to him. Last night, we moved the carpet runners into the living room while the shampooed carpets in the hallway dried. Suddenly, we noticed a ‘lump’ in one of the runners and, sure enough, it was now housing Buster. It was easy to take a picture. My husband just set the camera in front of the opposite side of the tunnel created by Buster and kept shooting pictures . . . until Buster tore through to catch the flash on the camera.

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