Your Are in Danger of Losing the Christmas Spirit When . . .


You are in danger of losing the Christmas Spirit when. . .
by Barbara M. Barthelette

1. One of the children says he/she only wants one thing for Christmas . . . and it costs $300.

2. The children want to know Santa’s e-mail address.

3. The Christmas cookies are eaten up as they exit the oven.

4. You start receiving the same fruitcakes you sent to all the relatives.

5. Your husband asks what date Christmas falls on this year.

6. You get ten minutes notice that three of your children are not only in a Christmas play but require costumes.

7. You find a front parking place at the mall on December 23rd and discover you left your checkbook and credit cards at home.

8. You get out the Christmas decorations and discover the missing eggs from the Easter egg hunt.

9. Your twelve year old announces that he still believes in Santa . . . and he want a computer for Christmas from St. Nick.

10. You ask the children to put on some Christmas music and you hear cats giving a rendition of the Twelve Days of Christmas.

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