Cat Invasion . . . Again!

It’s been two years since we’ve been ‘blessed’ with an invasion of darling, homeless kittens in need of a home. We haven’t been sad over that fact either! Yesterday, however, that changed as a feisty little tom cat showed up at our door in need of a good meal and some petting. We have, however, have this situation figured out ahead of time. Once we ascertained that said cat was, indeed, homeless, we fixed up a bed on the porch, provided food and water, and made an appointment with the   vet for neutering and vaccines. Next on the schedule, an appointment with a no-kill shelter that keeps all the cats they accept until they find them homes. If they can’t find a home, they get to stay at the very nice shelter. We discovered the place with the last two stray kittens that came our way . . . and, yes, we do have to find out where the neighborhood cats posted the ‘sucker’ sign on our property and remove it.

Anyway, the kitten is darling, still trying to grow into his feet, very friendly, and able to fend off any much bigger cats that try to take his food. My daughter claims the cat is her son. I told her that illegitimate babies have to be adopted out. She insists that we can keep him and tell the neighbors that WE adopted him. I told her the family resemblance was too obvious.

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