September 11th – Then and Now

Fourteen years since 9/11 and I know many people were very reflective about that day. I imagine most people can even relate exactly where they were and what they were doing when the awful news became public.

I was up early, that day, and working on the computer when someone posted that it seems an airplane ‘accidentally’ plowed into a building in New York. Suddenly, a lot of messages were appearing as people tried to figure out what was happening. At that point, I turned on the television to see reporters racing into their respective studios without makeup or preparation to start reporting events as they happened.

Cameras were finally in place to show the first of the Twin Towers in flames and before anyone could really take this in, a second plane appeared and crashed into the second one further engulfing the towers. One plane off course could have been a flight error but two within that space of time indicated something quite else. Then news of other planes and other events started coming in and we were glued to the television hoping to get the real news and praying it wasn’t as bad as it appeared.

We were expected at church that day so drove over with the radio on and heard the next news about the Pentagon.

At Father’s homily, he said we should keep in our prayers a problem going on in New York. All he knew what that a plane had crashed into one of the Twin Towers. After Mass, a friend filled him in and said the look of dismay and sadness on the priest’ face really brought home the horror of what was unfolding.

After Mass, people milled around and remarked how quiet the skies seemed with the ban on aircraft taking off or landing in the US in place.

Of course, the minute we got home, the televison was back on and we tuned in just in time to see the Towers crash to the ground.

So, now we are fourteen years down the road and how are we remembering this horrific time in our history? We are, again, watching the news as hordes of many pseudo-refugees surge into European cities with no wish to assimilate but conquer. We wonder at countries so quickly allowing these people to push their way over the border. How could they allow so many people in when it would be evident that many terrorists would and could be hiding in the mix with thoughts of takeover and destruction from within. I guess we are going to find out as, initially, the president vowed to take in 10,000 of these ‘refugees’ next year which quickly changed in the news reports to 70,000 starting this October to John Kerry surmising the number could be as high as 100,000.

So, there is our 9/11 memorial ceremony of 2015! Instead of totally remembering the people who died so unnecessarily fourteen years ago, we are actually welcoming in a mix of refugees who will most certainly bring in the same types that tried to begin the demise of our country on 9/11 . . . only this time, with the political blessing of our leaders.


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