Brownies – Pre-Lenten Chocolate Fix

Me, I enjoy a plain brownie, no nuts, not frosting, just the chewy, moist chocolate decadence of a chocolate brownie. However, when the day is hectic and you need something extra to get you through, I believe getting our caffeine from chocolate is the way to go! 🙂 What better way to medicate ourselves than adding chocolate to our chocolate?

Double Your Chocolate Cookies

2 cups semisweet chocolate chips, divided
½ cup butter
3 eggs
1 1/4 cup all-purpose flour
1 cup granulated sugar
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
2 teaspoon vanilla
½ cup nuts

Melt one cup chocolate chips and butter in small pan. Remove from heat. Pour into bowl. Add eggs; stir well. Add flour, sugar, soda and vanilla. Stir well. Stir in on cup chips and nuts. Spread onto greased 13×9-inch pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 18-22 minutes. Cool completely.

Ideas . . .

Cutting back on chocolate? Use a different flavor chip for the mix in ones like white chocolate, peanut butter, or butterscotch.

Really, really need the chocolate charge? When the brownies come out of the oven, scatter yet more chocolate chips over the hot surface, let them soften, and spread them out to cool down into a glaze. You would also sprinkle on some colorful decorations before it hardens.

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