The Cat Came Back . . .

One never realizes the schedule a cat holds dear to her heart until the schedule runs goes off the feline’s proposed way of life. Our cat, Marcella, likes things done a certain way and until the other morning, I never realized how set she was in her ways.

Every morning, around five, she comes crying at our door. Fortunately, I have a son that gets up before five and he usually puts her into the far bedroom so we can get our last few minutes of sleep undisturbed. Once I exit the shower and am ready for the day, I release the cat and she enjoys trying to grab my shoelaces as I attempt to get my shoes tied. From there, we go to the kitchen and she get her tablespoon of stinky food aka canned cat tuna. She eats half of it, uses her litter box, and comes back to finish her food.

The other morning, she was frantic to get into our bedroom so I let her in while I finished getting ready. Marcella, however, remained frantic which translated into howling which my husband (trying to sleep) did not appreciate. I wasn’t ready for the day but decided to take the cat to the kitchen and give her the stinky food then and there. Seconds after I closed the bedroom door, she was back and even louder with her complaints. I left my hair brushing for later, grabbed my shoes, and the cat followed me to the kitchen. She didn’t try and chase my shoelaces and I soon realized that we ALWAYS tie OUR shoes in the living room. More howling. Finally, she figured we were sort of getting back on track, used her litter box, and finished off the breakfast treat.

All I can figure is that the initial tantrum indicated that her litter box visit had been expedited for some reason so she had to howl in order for me to expedite my schedule for shoe tying and feeding, too.

My husband isn’t fond of the cats. He refers to Marcella as ‘that STUPID cat’. Our garage/indoor/outdoor cat is called Fresh when she is good and Salem when she bites the hand that feeds her.

“The cat would eat fish and would not wet her feet.” John Heywood 16th Century

I assure you that this is true? Would I lie to you?
I assure you that this is true? Would I lie to you?


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