Taiwan Christmas

Taiwan has no age old Christmas traditions and yearly celebrations of Christmas are more on the commercial side. Families do take the time to have special meals together and the younger crowd enjoys the party theme and go out and enjoy themselves. Christmas trees and similar decorations might light up places but there is little Christian significance. The religion in Taiwan is predominantly Buddhist.

Although the Christian population is Taiwan is about five percent, Christmas is celebrated in many ways there. Stores will sell Christmas items during the Christmas season. It is not, however, a national holiday. Regardless, most of the children know about Santa Claus and might even be able to sing a Christmas song or two. Families of children who attend English schools expect an all out Christmas festival with all the usual trimmings like singing, gift exchanges, and a visit from Santa. Some school will perform Christmas pageants about reindeer, elves, snowflakes, etc. with the characters singing on stage for proud parents. People will often wear Santa hats during Christmas. Christmas cakes which is more of a Japanese tradition, are becoming slightly popular in Taiwan.

Couldn’t resist this one!


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