Gluten-Free Waffles

My son is recovering from a cold and after an early-morning class, was in need for something tempting to eat. I made waffles. Naturally, as many of you know by now, I made gluten-free waffles. I find that waffles are a very forgiving recipe. It is hard to made a really bad waffle so I decided to try out some gluten-free ones to see how they came out. Also, thought I would share the recipe!

Gluten-Free Waffles

3 1/2 cups gluten-free blend (I use BetterBatter)
2 tablespoons gluten-free baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
2-3 tablespoons of ground flax-seed
4 large eggs
3 1/2 cups whole milk (This is approximate as you might need a bit more or less to get the consistency you like for waffles.
2 sticks of butter, melted and cooled a bit

Place the dry ingredients together in the bowl of your mixer. Mix the flour mixture and then add the eggs, and milk. Add the melted butter and mix to just combine.

Heat up your waffle maker and follow your appliance directions for baking your batter. The recipe made six, large waffles so make any adjustments you need to work with your particular waffle maker. Not only will you not recognize this as being gluten-free, they hold up well and leftovers can be put away in the freezer and heated up later in the toaster.

Although I’m a purist when it comes to waffles and like them as stated above with just butter and syrup, the batter will work well with the inclusion of tiny chocolate chips, some vanilla extract, spiced with cinnamon and nutmeg, etc.

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